Walking Slow
Helen Potrebenko

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67 pp; $10.00 ISBN 0-920999-00-X This is Potrebenko’s first collection of verse, published in 1985.     I hope it’s a restaurant and not a bank,     climbing that jesus great hill after Revelstoke.     I hope it’s summer and not winter in Rogers Pass.     Before I get too old for walking,     I’d like to get to Newfoundland.     I’ve…

When Activism Stops: For Jannit Rabinovitch,
Social Activist Extraordinaire

Lauri Nerman

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Broadside, 5×8, folded. $5.00 “Dying is not on an activist’s agenda, the act of surrendering, acceptance giving up for the unknown” Jannit Rabinovitch, a long-time community activist, died in January of 2007 of cancer. She was a co-founder of PEERS (Prostitute Empowerment Education and Resource Society) and brought women escaping violence and homelessness together to…

Second Thoughts
Elise Goldsmith

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120 pp; $14.95, paper; ISBN 0-920999-32-8 Cassette: $8.95 “How old is youth How young is age How false is truth How quiet rage?” Second Thoughts is Elise Goldsmith’s most recent collection of poetry. Her spare, elliptical verse gives rare insight into the daytime shadows and night-time illuminations of a woman writer in her aging years….